Abortion Essay Topics

May 4, 2023
Updated: May 24, 2023
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    110 Best Abortion Essay Topics in 2023

    The study of serious and sometimes shocking phenomena is an integral part of education. The problem of abortion has occupied one of the highest positions among the most resonant topics for many years.

    The choice of an idea is the starting point and one of the most significant phases of work, various nuances of which need attention.

    Tips on How to Select the Best Abortion Essay Topic?

    Various recommendations will help you not to get lost in the abundance of fascinating topics and be able to focus on the most suitable one.

    Wide field of research. It is significant to use a large number of different types of sources to conduct a qualitative analysis, highlighting all the necessary aspects.

    Be reasonable. Remember that today everyone’s task is to be able to critically evaluate information. Separate fake and truthful data.

    Uniqueness. The question of the relevance of the selected research topic is no less significant. Try to make competent retrospective, statistical and other types of analyzes.

    Who Curates Out List of Abortion Essay Topics?

    All topics below have been carefully selected by professionals. Each of the proposed options deserves attention to a particular area of our life.

    Take responsibility when choosing an idea, since this is the starting point for creating any project.

    20 Most Vital Abortion Essay Questions in 2023

    1. Abortion as a medical and social problem.
    2. Ban on abortion in the light of the protection of traditional values: an international legal aspect.
    3. Assessment of the risk of spontaneous miscarriage depending on the genetic characteristics of the woman.
    4. Abortion and contraception as factors of birth control.
    5. Social well-being and value orientations of student youth in the context of the problem of abortion.
    6. Abortion: legal regulation and public opinion.
    7. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period in women who have had abortions in the past.
    8. Abortion and contraception in Russia against the background of the demographic crisis.
    9. Psychological rehabilitation after abortion.
    10. Comparative analysis of the characteristics of the time perspective of women who have lost an intrauterine child.
    11. Pathomorphology of early spontaneous abortion.
    12. A moral assessment of abortion in modern religions.
    13. The structure of early miscarriage.
    14. Value-semantic determinants of women’s attitudes towards abortion.
    15. Study of ovarian function in patients undergoing a medical abortion.
    16. Artificial termination of pregnancy as an indicator of the demographic situation in the Republic of Mordovia in modern conditions.
    17. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome in women with miscarriage.
    18. The bodily experience of pregnancy in the context of the life course of a woman who has undergone an abortion.
    19. The first stage of medical rehabilitation of patients after spontaneous miscarriage.
    20. Abortion is a moral and ethical problem in modern society.

    20 Good Essay Topics For College About Abortion

    1. Abortions in female farm animals.
    2. Criminal liability for an illegal abortion.
    3. The fight against abortion in the Soviet Union.
    4. Placental growth factor as a marker of the threat of early spontaneous abortion in cytomegalovirus infection.
    5. Spontaneous abortion in a horse: aspects of postmortem diagnosis.
    6. Histological characteristics of scrapings of the uterine cavity in women with hyperprolactinemia of various origins, complicated by an interrupted pregnancy.
    7. Risk factors for the ingrown placenta.
    8. Cytokine profile in women with missed abortion.
    9. Miscarriage is the cause of most gravida bleeding.
    10. The state of endothelial function in patients with threatened early miscarriage.
    11. Indications and modern schemes for medical termination of pregnancy.
    12. The use of mathematical modeling in predicting the development of metabolic syndrome in women after an artificial abortion.
    13. Experience in the clinical use of prostaglandins for the elimination of miscarriage.
    14. Late spontaneous miscarriage as a cause of a critical condition in obstetrics and gynecology.
    15. The use of enzyme preparation for the prevention of habitual abortion in cows.
    16. Management tactics for patients with the threat of early termination of pregnancy in a day hospital.
    17. The importance of endothelial damage molecules in the genesis of threatening spontaneous abortion.
    18. Effectiveness of pre-termination counseling.
    19. Discussion about abortion in the Russian empire: private life and a new identity.
    20. Diagnostics of the causes of abortion in a mare with multiple pregnancies: pathomorphological aspects.

    20 Shocking Topics About Abortion

    1. Abortion is one of the main reasons for low fertility and negative natural population growth in any state.
    2. Somatic human rights: the right to abortion.
    3. Freedom of religion as a means of protecting the right to abortion in US judicial practice.
    4. Multiple abortions as a way of processing mental pain.
    5. Abortion, contraception, and discussion of the role of women in society in the political agenda of modern Poland.
    6. Late induced abortion with congenital malformations of the fetus, incompatible with life.
    7. Extragenital diseases and the social status of women with spontaneous abortion.
    8. Abortion in Soviet Russia during the NEP era: official propaganda versus mass attitudes.
    9. Spontaneous abortion: paedomorphosis, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical and morphological characteristics, rehabilitation.
    10. Induced abortion during pregnancy.
    11. Reproductive attitudes of women in the context of the legal right to abortion.
    12. Medical abortion and neonatal health from subsequent pregnancies.
    13. The problem of illegal abortion.
    14. Late induced abortion with congenital malformations of the fetus, incompatible with life.
    15. Features of social and bodily experience of pregnancy in women with negative pregnancy experience.
    16. Application of the method of classification trees to predict the level of motor development in patients with impaired motor functions.
    17. Social aspects of solving the demographic problem of low fertility.
    18. Emergency abortion.
    19. Artificial termination of pregnancy as abuse of somatic rights.
    20. Long-term complications of abortion.

    20 Serious Abortion Essay Topics

    1. Abortion as a cause of maternal mortality.
    2. Diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation of women with miscarriage.
    3. Termination of pregnancy (abortion) as a risk factor for the reproductive health of adolescent girls.
    4. Psychological assistance for post-abortion syndrome and perinatal losses.
    5. Abortion in post-Soviet Russia.
    6. Clinical significance of the cytokine profile and methods of its drug correction in women with miscarriage.
    7. Physical rehabilitation after abortion.
    8. Clinical significance of fetal microchimerism in the mother.
    9. Genetic risk factors for miscarriage.
    10. Antiphospholipid syndrome, genetic thrombophilia in the pathogenesis of the main forms of obstetric pathology.
    11. Clinical characteristics of somatic and reproductive health of women with early reproductive losses.
    12. Medical abortion and vacuum aspiration in early pregnancy.
    13. Abortion is a problem of modern society.
    14. Study of the frequency of spontaneous miscarriages and their etiopathogenetic facts.
    15. The history of the development of legislation in the field of illegal abortion.
    16. Differentiated approach to the prevention of dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands after spontaneous abortion in the first trimester.
    17. Threatened miscarriage: the possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics.
    18. Analysis of the factors influencing abortion in modern conditions.
    19. Features of psychological counseling for women with different types of attitudes towards abortion in a situation of reproductive choice.
    20. Replacing surgical abortion with medication.

    10 Abortion Argumentative Essay Topics

    1. The ethical dilemma of abortion. Balancing a woman’s right to choose and fetal rights.
    2. Role of religion in shaping abortion discourse and legislation.
    3. Abortion and women’s health. Examining the medical risks and benefits.
    4. Protecting minors or infringing on autonomy?
    5. Impact of socioeconomic factors on access to safe abortion services.
    6. Abortion and mental health. Understanding the psychological ramifications.
    7. Navigating the complexities of reproductive choice.
    8. Abortion and reproductive justice. Analyzing the intersectionality of gender, race, and class.
    9. Role of pro-life and pro-choice movements in shaping abortion legislation.
    10. Abortion bans and human rights. Exploring the legal and constitutional considerations.

    20 Best Abortion Essay Ideas

    1. Abortion from the point of view of Orthodoxy and medicine.
    2. Pharmacological abortion in outpatient practice.
    3. Characteristics and features of women going to medical abortion in a metropolis.
    4. Pathomorphology of aborted fetuses in multiple pregnancies in a horse.
    5. Influence of somatic and gynecological pathology on miscarriage.
    6. Markers of endothelial damage during pregnancy with the threat of spontaneous abortion.
    7. Experience in completing a non-developing pregnancy with a drug method.
    8. A historical perspective on the problem of abortion.
    9. The image of a child and aggressiveness in women with a threat of miscarriage.
    10. Comparative characteristics of modern methods of termination of pregnancy in its late stages.
    11. Medical abortion is an effective way to maintain reproductive health.
    12. Failed abortion: clinical and morphological parallels and prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications.
    13. Results of the use of hormone therapy in women with an increased risk of early termination of pregnancy.
    14. The right to artificial termination of pregnancy in the context of the legal regulation of reproductive activity.
    15. The role of the family in overcoming the critical life situation of abortion.
    16. The problem of abortion among the Russian medical community on the eve of the First World War.
    17. The role of maternal age and pregnancy history in the risk of spontaneous abortion.
    18. The state of health of women who have had a failed abortion.
    19. Miscarriage and abortion as a prerequisite for mental disorders.
    20. Features of the immune status in women with late miscarriage.

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