Commentary Essay Topics

May 4, 2023
Updated: May 4, 2023
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    50+ Commentary Essay Topics for Any Academic Occasion

    The essay is one of the most common assignments during study at universities. A well-handled essay delivered on time will consolidate knowledge of the subject and teach the basics of public speeches and the rules of creating scientific texts.

    Often the quality of essays (especially commentary) is determined by the right choice of topic. Even though the essay topics about commentary can be almost any, its choice leads to difficulties. Sometimes the topic is too complex and does not correspond to the level of the performer.

    Sometimes the topic is too little studied and more suitable for research or dissertation than a commentary essay. Also, the topic can be too narrow and therefore poorly represented in the sources available to the student. To avoid these and other mistakes, we have prepared this article.

    How to Select the Best Commentary Essay Topic?

    The simplest procedure is to choose a topic from a pre-prepared list. Choice of the topic from the list with recommendations below. Students of almost any specialty can use this list. This list is not a direct guide to use. You can independently modify any theme to suit your specialty better.

     Criteria for Selection of Commentary Essay Topic

    Understanding of the topic. The topic you are going to address should be clear to you. If you cannot understand it 100%, then writing will be a great challenge.

    The abundance of material. Try to find materials on the chosen topic on the Internet. If they are sufficient, they will serve as a basis for carrying out the main part of the work and assist you in formulating commentaries, conclusions, and other elements of the paper.

    Having an interest in the subject. If you choose a topic you are not enthusiastic about, working with the paper will become torture. You will always force yourself to do unpleasant work. Listen to yourself. What topic resonates with you? What would you like to read and think about? Working with a topic like this will energize you and give you satisfaction.

    Relevance of topic. Sometimes you have to choose a topic that is relevant to your future development. This applies primarily to the main subjects of your specialty. You can reduce your work by commenting on a few books related to your specialty.

    Topic potential. We learn not so much to know but to develop a variety of skills and abilities. Many students do not like to write essays just because they think: «Why do I need it? I will not be able to apply this knowledge anywhere». This is especially true for additional subjects in the field of specialization.

    However, if you treat a paper as an opportunity to learn how to express thoughts, analyze, structure, generalize and present material, it does not seem pointless. So you should look at the potential of this or that theme. Is there room for creativity? What can I learn from working on it?

    List of Commentary Essay Topics: TOP-15

    1. The problem of adequacy of interpersonal perception.
    2. New mechanisms of public administration in developed countries.
    3. Interpersonal attraction factors.
    4. The technology chain, criteria for evaluating its performance.
    5. Image as a means of compensating for unattractiveness.
    6. The potential for imposing influence from a leader in a crowd.
    7. Gender socialization.
    8. Features of innovative processes in land management.
    9. The modern family is an institution of socialization.
    10. Psychology of manipulation.
    11. Factors for successful socialization.
    12. Evaluation of the activities of state and municipal employees.
    13. Psychology of happiness.
    14. The concept of personal influence.
    15. Ethnic (or age) stereotypes are social stereotypes.

    10 Social Commentary Essay Topics

    1. Sources of social conflict.
    2. Social norms of behavior in primitive and modern societies.
    3. Theory of social inequality.
    4. Social conflict. Management of social conflict.
    5. Organization of social processes.
    6. Moral and ethical standards as the basis for the functioning of the modern state and municipal service.
    7. Satanism is a social phenomenon in the United States.
    8. Sociology of youth (youth extremism and youth subculture).
    9. Students and their social role in society.
    10. Suicide is a form of deviant behavior.

    10 Personal Commentary Essay Topics

    1. Subcultures as a way of interpersonal and intercultural communication.
    2. Society and television in the 21st Century.
    3. The place of the United States in the world community.
    4. The main areas of innovation in real estate management.
    5. Unemployment: causes, forms, methods of regulation.
    6. Innovation as an object of innovation management.
    7. Classification of innovations. The innovation process and its main characteristics.
    8. State support for innovation.
    9. The essence of innovative governance, its goals, functions, principles.
    10. Interpersonal perception when choosing someone who matters.

    10 Higher Education Topics for Commentary Essay

    1. Modern classification of cryptocurrency enterprises.
    2. Competitiveness as a factor in measuring business performance.
    3. New organizational forms of innovative enterprises.
    4. Importance of strategic management for modern enterprises. Types of innovation strategies.
    5. Search methods and techniques for new business ideas.
    6. Tasks and basic techniques of municipal and state projects.
    7. Development of a business plan.
    8. Basic methods for assessing the effectiveness of innovation.
    9. Innovation performance measurement system.
    10. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of business based on discounting.

    10 Commentary Essay Ideas

    1. Managing the creation and use of new cryptocurrency.
    2. Finance and industry group and its organization.
    3. Financial support of cryptocurrency projects.
    4. Creation of business plan structure.
    5. Features of the socialization of the individual in modern conditions
    6. Key indicators of innovation performance.
    7. Intellectual property market.
    8. Comparison of venture business in the USA and EU.
    9. Innovation marketing.
    10. Intellectual property as the object of modern entrepreneurship.

    Need Help with Your Essay? Just Say a Word!

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    The ordered work will be executed as quickly as possible and guarantee the return of money. In addition, the document’s quality always claims the highest scores since it is written by a person who is an expert on this topic. Also, the work will be processed according to all requirements of your educational institution.

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