Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

May 5, 2023
Updated: May 5, 2023
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    70 Fresh Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

    Writing a criminal justice research paper is an exciting but challenging task. And the challenge starts right at the point you need to choose a topic for your paper. Criminal justice encompasses a wide range of topics, and it can be difficult for a student to decide what to write about.

    How to Select the Best Criminal Justice Research Paper Topic?

    Where to start looking for decent research paper topics about criminal justice? Let us guide you through this critical stage of writing a research paper.

    What Is a Good Criminal Justice Research Topic?

    First, you should know what topic is suitable for a research paper, as the topic can directly impact your grade. Here are some key points that you should take into account when looking for a perfect theme for your criminal justice paper:

    • Guidelines from your professor — Make sure that chosen topic meets the requirements.
    • Word-count restrictions — More complex and broad topics require more writing so that you will exceed the requested word count.
    • Your interests — If you don’t have any specific restrictions, try to choose a topic you are interested in. It will make the whole task much more accessible.
    • Available data and sources — Make sure there is enough information on a topic so you can spend less time searching.

    Still think finding an excellent topic is hard? Don’t worry; our team offers help with any question related to academic writing. So place your order now, and we will select the best topic for your criminal justice research paper!

    Guide on How to Find a Perfect Topic for Criminal Justice Research

    By knowing the point above, you can easily understand what topic is excellent to become the main focus of your research. But how to find this topic among all available ones? Here is a quick guide:

    • Narrow down your selection by choosing one or two subfields that are interesting to you.
    • Use such tools as Google Scholar to quickly search through different libraries of scholarly literature.
    • Check news websites or journals to find some current criminal justice issues.
    • Write down all topics you’re interested in and choose the best one.

    The process of choosing a topic is simple but time-consuming. So, if you don’t have much time for this, keep reading to see our list of the best research paper topics about criminal justice. We are sure you will find a suitable topic among all these ideas.

    List of Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

    • Strategies for Online Harassment Prevention
    • The Increased Usage of Algorithmic Risk Assessment Tools — Is It Bad?
    • What Measures Can Prevent Drunk Driving?
    • Treatment of Girls in Custody
    • Women’s Profile in American Prisons.
    • Three Strikes Law: The Difference in the Different States
    • Drug Testing at Schools — Pros and Cons
    • Can Restrictive Housing Help Reduce Prison Overcrowding?
    • Are Crime and Social Status Linked?
    • War Crimes Committed by Russia
    • Preventive Arrests: Is It Effective?
    • Theft & Robbery: What Is the Difference?
    • Prevention of Fraud in Schools, Offices, or Any Institution
    • Crimes Against Humanity: Is It a Reason for Capital Punishment?
    • Solutions for Preventing Online Piracy
    • Biggest Healthcare Frauds in History
    • Should Criminal History Checks Be Performed on All Job Candidates?
    • How Fair Is the Extradition Law?
    • Methods of Animal Cruelty Punishment
    • Effective Ways of Managing Stress in Police Officers
    • Serial Murderers of the Twenty-First Century
    • What Steps May Be Taken to Decrease Adolescent Crime?
    • The Issue of Drug Use Among Police Officers
    • The System for Classifying Crimes
    • When Is It Appropriate to Make an Arbitrary Detention?

    20 Good Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

    • The Support of the Death Penalty: Arguments for and Against
    • International Rules on War Crimes
    • Rate of Sexual Crimes in Religious Countries
    • Fundamental Human Rights: Examples of Violation
    • Criminal Justice vs. Law Enforcement: Key Differences
    • Criminal Justice Professional Ethics
    • Measures for Preventing Crime in Residential Neighborhoods
    • Why Should Female Prisons Be Different From Those for Men?
    • Security and Criminal Justice Risk Management
    • Prison Labor Exploitation as a Form of Slavery
    • Links Between Drug Trafficking and Terrorism
    • Social Networks’ Impact on Committing Crimes
    • Human Biology’s Importance for Modern Criminal Justice
    • Environmental Crime From a Criminological Standpoint.
    • Do Individuals From Low-Income Households Possess a Greater Propensity to Become Criminals?
    • How Does Technology Impact Criminal Justice Administration?
    • Why Are Corrupt Justice Sector Institutions Often Considered Corrupted?
    • What Degree of Authority Do International Criminal Courts Have?
    • Healthcare in Prison: Opportunities for Improvement
    • How Have Police Tools Changed Over Time?

    15 Interesting Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

    • Need for Reform of the Criminal Justice System in THE US
    • Access to Justice in Different Areas of a City
    • Race, Ethnicity & Law Enforcement
    • The Link Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and an Increasing Number of Domestic Violence Cases
    • Causes of Hate Crimes
    • What Assistance Is Available to Victims of Crime?
    • How Does Aggressive Behavior Connect to Criminal Propensities?
    • How a Person’s Mental Health May Affect a Court’s Decision.
    • Effects of DNA Evidence in Cases of Sexual Assault.
    • How Do People With Autism Deal With the Legal System?
    • How Can Financial Crimes Be Curbed?
    • How to Stop Discrimination in the Process of Negotiations
    • Murder and Homicide: Main Differences and Similarities
    • Can Assign Police Officers to Schools Increase Safety?
    • Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Justice.

    10 Trending Criminal Justice Research Paper Ideas

    • Controversies of interaction between religion and criminal law
    • Key Issues of Cybercrime
    • Collaboration of mobile crisis team with police
    • Legal ramifications for failure to pay child support
    • Restorative Justice Practices: Areas of Application
    • Criminalization of trafficking-related offenses
    • guiding concepts for preventing crime
    • Sexual assault in workplaces and educational institutions
    • The procedure of Criminal Justice
    • Wrongful Conviction: Major Reasons.

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