How to Write a 10-Page Paper

May 5, 2023
Updated: May 5, 2023
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    How to Write a Good 10-Page Paper?

    Your college lecturers will ask you to display strong research paper writing skills at some time during your academic career. A research paper is typically seen as being at a higher level of writing and requiring high proficiency and skills.

    It’s helpful to comprehend the research paper writing process thoroughly. First and foremost, determine what parts of your paper will be most important and focus on them.

    Be patient with yourself — it might take longer than usual for some writers since this is not their favorite part of writing (and if it’s not yours either).

    What Is a 10-page Paper?

    A research paper is a typical academic writing assignment. To write a research paper, students and academics must gather information on a topic (i.e., conduct research), adopt a stance on it, and then support (or offer evidence) that position in a well-organized report.

    An academic piece that presents the findings of an original study and an analysis of previous research can also be referred to as a research paper. Before they are approved for publishing in an academic journal, most scholarly publications must go through a thorough review procedure.

    How to Start a 10-Page Paper?

    The first thing to do is to come up with a title by which your future reader (listener) will not only be able to find it but also determine whether it is interesting or not. Sometimes, the student does not have to choose the topic of a 10-page paper — the supervisor assigns it.

    If you are faced with such a choice, it is recommended to adhere to certain tips. For all scientific articles, a mandatory element of the introduction is relevance. You must explain to the reader why the problem is important at present and for whom. The volume of relevance in scientific articles usually takes 1-2 paragraphs. But you can increase it if the total volume of the article itself is quite large. Usually, one or two sections in the introduction of a 10-page paper are enough to briefly explain what area and problem will be discussed and how the discussion will end.

    How to Structure a 10-Page Paper

    With the amount of information available, it is easy for a student to get confused and lose interest in work. To avoid this and move to the intended goal step by step, it is advisable to make a plan for writing a research paper and stick to its implementation.

    Choose the type of future article. There are several types of research papers, and each must meet certain requirements. For example, a scientific-theoretical piece must include an analysis of the available doctrinal work on the issue under study and research of practical activities in the scientific-practical article. Accordingly, a paper of the first type will require a search for specific literature. In contrast, the second will require a search for the results of a practical activity or independent conduct of such action.

    Therefore, to understand the focus and scope of the upcoming work at the very beginning, it is important to decide immediately on the type of scientific article — a statement of the problem that will be covered in the scientific report.

    Determine what exactly you will write about, the main purpose of your study, and its main idea.

    Regarding the plan, there could be the following options: talking about the problem as such, about its consequences, or about everything together; focusing on numbers (analysis of statistical data) and theory; simply combining existing views of the problem or presenting your own opinion of it exclusively, and so on. The final goal of the scientific article, for example, can be data actualization (i.e., its consideration concerning modern realities); systematization of the existing experience (for example, one author considered one aspect of the problem, the second one — another, and you in your article have combined).

    If this point of the plan causes you difficulty, read several articles on the same topic. Sometimes, just one or two are enough to identify scientific gaps and contradictions. Writing the introduction: this part of the research paper should not cause difficulty if the previous point of the plan is fulfilled.

    The plan of work on the main body of the scientific article can include, for example, the following tasks:

    • Select the literature on the topic (more about this below).
    • For practical research articles, conduct relevant practical activities (surveys, questionnaires, experiments, etc.).
    • Write out basic definitions of the topic.
    • Analyze them (which ones you agree with and not, etc.).
    • Give an overview of the opposing views of scientists and researchers.
    • Find gaps or contradictions in the decisions on the issue at hand.
    • For practical scientific articles, systematize and analyze all the data obtained as a result of practical activities. If necessary, compare them with the data of other researchers.
    • To find the best solution to the identified problems, justify it with theory, practice, experience, and analysis.

    Checking an article for originality is vital in the anti-plagiarism system for compliance with the percentage required by the supervisor.

    How to End a 10-Page Paper

    The conclusive part is the last but not the least piece of your research paper, and it’s crucial to ensure you get it right. The decision can be a summary of what you’ve written, or it could be a longer section that synthesizes your arguments and provides a final analysis. In either case, the goal is to provide closure while still leaving room for future research on the subject. Finally, reread the thesis and plan.

    After you’ve done the bulk of your research and writing, it’s time to reread the thesis and plan. Make sure that every point in your view is covered in the paper. Make sure that every moment of your project is covered as well. It would help if you also reviewed your introduction paragraph by paragraph and incorporated each statement into a corresponding paper section.

    Summarize the literature and put it into context. In this section, you will provide a summary of what has been said by other authors in your field. You can give an overview of the research on the topic, or you can focus on specific studies that were particularly influential. The goal is to synthesize what others have written before moving on to your work.

    How to Write a 10-Page Paper in One Day?

    Wondering how to write a 10-page research paper? You can complete it in one day with the right approach. The first and foremost step is to ensure you have the right tools. Your best tool is a good topic, so make sure you brainstorm with friends, family, and colleagues until you find a topic that interests them (and hopefully you).

    The first step to write my paper in one day is finding the right place to do it. It is a crucial part of the process because the place where you work makes all the difference in how effectively you can write your paper.

    Make sure your writing environment is comfortable and distraction-free so that it’s easy for you to focus on completing each task as it comes up!

    Turn off the Internet. Understanding why this is so critical to getting your paper written in a day is important. The Internet has an endless supply of distractions available at any time. If you leave yourself logged on and open to infinite possibilities of procrastination, you will inevitably get sucked into some rabbit hole that prevents you from completing your work.

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